Scarman and the suppression of English interest

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 10 December 2004 00:25.

Yesterday Lord Leslie Scarman, retired Law Lord and cross-bench member of the House of Lords, died peacefully in his sleep.  He was 93.  No doubt his career was long, rich and varied.  But it is with one event, the Brixton Riots of April 1981, that his name will be forever linked.

In those days Brixton was the racio-political cockpit of Britain, as the Islamified towns of northern England are today.  Along Railton Road and on the Frontline/Mayall Road triangle, black council tenants and marginalised white squatters lived cheek by jowl.  But they cleaved to their own cultures.  The blacks, with their dope, their reggae, their patois impenetrable to white ears, predominated in every visible way.  The streets were always filled with activity.  Empty houses were taken over for drinking and gambling, and as dope dens and all-night party venues pumping out non-stop reggae.


Iron in the soul.  Oestregen in the water.

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 08 December 2004 15:58.

Possessing, as I do, a modest interest in the history of aviation warfare I frequently find myself checking the obits for another sad passing.  These days almost all of those astonishingly gallant young men who survived their tour of bombing sorties to Germany and occupied Europe are over eighty.  The obituaries, inevitably, are becoming rarer. 

Today, however, the Telegraph carried the obituary of one such man, David Jackson Penman,  OBE, DSO, DFC who died on November 27th at the age of 85.  The article concentrates largely on his part in the low-level, daylight raid on a diesil engine factory in Augsburg on April 17th, 1942.  Twelve aircraft, six Lancasters apiece from 44 and 97 Squadron, were sent to bomb the M.A.N factory, which made diesel engines for submarines.  Five returned, all damaged.  Militarily, nothing was achieved.  Production of the diesels was inconvenienced, no more.


Real hate crimes, unreal responses.

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 December 2004 22:28.

A spate of shockingly violent, fatal stabbings have brought home to London’s gentle middle-class the insecurity in which they live in the capital.

On 17th September 74 year-old Derek Robinson and his 60 year-old wife, Jean, were attacked by an intruder in the hallway of their home on a private estate in Highgate Hill.  They were found stabbed and with their throats cut.  One Daniel Gonzalez was arrested at Kings Cross and subsequently charged with other recent murders as well.

On 20th October Robert Symons, 45, of Airdale Avenue, Chiswick, was killed with a single stab wound to the heart after a struggle with an intruder in his home.  Yousef Bouhaddaou, 26, has been charged with murder.  Four others have been arrested in connection with the incident.  Mr Symons, a teacher, left a wife and two daughters aged 2 and 5.

Then last Monday 29th November John Monckton and his wife Homeyra were savagely attacked by two youths who had burst through their front door.  Mr Monckton died of stab wounds.  His wife was critically injured and police are still waiting to speak to her in hospital.  Mr Monckton had two daughters, aged 9 and 12.  The younger, Isabel, was in the house at the time of the attack.

One of the attackers was black.  The other is described as “light-skinned”.  His ethnic background is unknown.


Keith Windschuttle versus Alexander the Great

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 04 December 2004 11:19.

Keith Windschuttle is at it again. Not content to be merely the bad boy of Australian frontier history, this time he is going to earn the ire of Australia’s multiculturalists by defending the legacy of the White Australia Policy (WAP).

Speaking of immigration restrictions, I have found the work of two US libertarian theorists Hans Herman Hoppe (see here and here) and Murray Rothbard (see here) quite illuminating here, even if their libertarian theory seems a bit pie-in-the-sky at the moment. Still it does provide some useful thought experiments.

It seems to me that the rival ideas here reflect essentially two views of human nature and political community. On one side are the ‘universalists’ who acknowledge no legitimate human political entity other than the individual or ‘humanity’ and on the other side are the ‘tribalists’ who see as innate the human desire to club together into distinct (but usually dynamically evolving) intermediate associations. Some tribalists may praise these associations (“tribal idealists”) others merely warn that they are ignored at one’s peril (“tribal realists”).


EU worker seeks female colleague, great SoH ... some SoH, then ... alright, any bloody SoH

Posted by Guest Blogger on Friday, 03 December 2004 18:25.

The following is a spoof commendation of ... polygamy, what else?  I sent it to the EU Commission house organ, Commission en Direct, for reasons which will become apparent.  It appeared in the 9th November issue.  Amazingly, there are journalists at the FT who also have nothing better to do than leaf through Commission en Direct.  One of them took it upon his or, just possibly, herself to have some harmless fun at the Commission’s expense.  Or maybe polygamy is just bigger than I thought.  The full text of my missive follows.

One of our colleagues has recently proposed setting up a non-official ‘Singles Group’ in the European institutions. Alas, her project is unlikely to be successful.

The reason is as clear as daylight. There are approximately nine single women to every single man employed by the European institutions. In our august working environment, single women are as ‘thick as the autumnal leaves that strow the brooks in Vallombrosa’. A singles’ group would therefore largely consist of unmarried and divorced females pushing 40 and 50, with the occasional predatory, sociopathic or gold-digging male just to add variety. For as the old adage goes, a single woman over thirty is more likely to be hit by a terrorist’s bullet and simultaneously struck by lightning than to win the heart of an unmarried male who is non-psychotic, over four foot tall and in full-time employment. Men? The great Charles Thomson, founder of the anti-anti-art movement known as ‘stuckism’, perhaps put it best: “A Single Woman … is never more than six inches away from the nearest Rat’.



Quote of the day

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 03 December 2004 00:16.

If our universities - and, indeed, schools - are to recover we will need a new Thatcher, but all three parties offer us only Lenins.

Terence Kealey, vice-chancellor of the University of Buckingham



Aaah … sweeeeet!

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 02 December 2004 15:41.

Please … no crudities about the new vulva concept car.  Let’s be gentlemanly and tasteful here.  Volvo has showed its new, all-girl designed concept vehicle for ladies at the Geneva Motor Show.  And, attention being a positively genetic necessity for all lady designers, world-wide attention has it attracted.

The press has picked up on the fact that, given the chance apparently, girlies go for a nice, accessorisable set of wheels.  Know what I mean, John.  Good runner.  One lady owner.  Embroidered cloth interior - to match your mood, y’know.  Looks pretty in pink as a matter of fact.  Plenty of room for, erm … well, the whole thing’s a handbag, mate.  Take it from me, a bleedin’ handbag.  And a dressing table.  And a flower pot.


Morality in public life.

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 30 November 2004 16:19.

To all who look upon the bedtime propinquities of David Blunkett with haughty disdain the life of the late John Cordle stands in wise rebuke.  He it was who, being an indignant and apparently righteous soul and a loud defender of public morals, raised himself up in 1963 to denounce John Profumo, Harold Macmillan’s disgraced Minister of Defence, thus:-

“Men who choose to live in adultery ought not to be appointed to serve our Queen and country… I was appalled to hear that our beloved Queen should be so wrongly advised as to give an Audience to a minister who has proved himself so untrustworthy… it is an affront to the Christian conscience of our nation.”

Unfortunately, Cordle – Conservative MP for Bournemouth East and Christchurch from 1959 to 1977, a disciple of Billy Graham and, for many years, owner of the Church of England Newspaper – was not exactly Snow White of Westminster himself.  He was twice divorced amid tremendous public acrimony at a time (1956 and 1971) when marriage was not yet a revolving-door arrangement and a certain moral standing was expected of our elected representatives.  Alongside his several appointments to Christian evangelical bodies he cultivated a sparkling social life, rising to the station of a Gold Staff Officer at the Coronation, a friend of Princess Margaret and an usher at her wedding.  During the 1960’s his business life became entwined with John Poulson, the international property developer who was to be jailed some ten years later for bribing civil servants and councillors.


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